Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

Last night's weather called for rain, ice pellets, and snow.  Last night's running schedule called for 13k.

My options were:
A. stay home under a blanket
B. run right after work to get the run done as soon as possible
C. run at 6:15 with the running club and get home around 8:30pm.

I chose option B.

So, at 5:15pm I was dressed for all weathers, armed with motivational tunes and ready to run for an hour and twenty minutes on my own.

I told D the route I was going to take, said that I would be home in plenty of time to stretch, shower and be ready to eat by 7:15, and headed out into the rain.

Thirty seconds into the run, I realized I would NOT be setting a speed record.  In the quick run to the corner, I had to contend with slushy, icy sidewalks that were covered in rain.  Curling ice is less slippery I thought and sent a quick prayer to the gods asking for no broken bones or brain injuries during this run. 

I slowed my pace, found my groove and reassured myself that I would still make it home on time for dinner.

I have many running routes of various distances.  The problem is when I don't run a distance for a while, I forget which route I take.  So I did some quick calculations in my head and reassured myself that I indeed remembered the 13k route. 

I did not.

I remembered the 15k route. 

Runners with diabetes need to plan how long they are going to run for to be able to adjust their insulin and avoid having high or low blood sugar. I had planned for a 13k run that would take 1 hour and 20 minutes.  I did not plan for a 15k run that would take 1 hour and 45 minutes.  So my blood sugar went too low and I had to walk for a while as I had a quick snack and waited for my blood sugar to rise back to the safe zone again. 

Did I mention it was raining??

I showed up, sopping wet, about 8 minutes before dinner was supposed to be ready.  I opened the door to find a kitchen in pause mode and was greeted with a big grin and a comment about looking a tad waterlogged. I was sent off to shower as he finished the dinner and we sat down to a lovely meal only thirty minutes later than planned. 

Got my run in.

Love my life.

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